July 2022
Brand Visual Identity Design
Truenorth; a Local Sandwich Dealer from North Coast Pride
Rebranding a Local Sandwich Dealer
From the pride of the north coast West Java, your local sandwich dealer Truenorth has become one of the epicenter of various local spirits and scene movements in Cirebon.
With the new visual identity design, we wanted to express their passion with a more contemporary visual design.
Before (left) – After (right)
The Brandmark
The North Star aka Polaris, which has been known and used as a guide or a compass in navigation while on the journey, has been an inspiration for Truenorth to encourage all of us to always grow moderately by being true to the purpose while always sticking to our origins, our roots.
The Brandmark
The North Star aka Polaris, which has been known and used as a guide or a compass in navigation while on the journey, has been an inspiration for Truenorth to encourage all of us to always grow moderately by being true to the purpose while always sticking to our origins, our roots.
The Design Direction
Contemporary Casual
Selected Works
Aruna SansTypeface Design
Narasi's Custom TypefaceTypeface Design